Meet Ann

Ann is a visionary thought leader, speaker, and entrepreneur who has built multiple successful ventures and is uniquely positioned to help open-minded and growth-oriented individuals thrive. She achieves this by creating learning environments and providing tools that inspire new ways of thinking and living.

In addition to being an entrepreneur since 2004, Ann has 15 years of experience helping organizations systematically improve as a consultant, advisor, board member, and coach. These experiences, paired with both business and law degrees, give Ann a very holistic view of business and allow Ann to pull from a wealth of tools and perspectives to aid her clients in their journey.

Empowering People to Define and Act on Their Decade Dream.

After watching life seemingly pass her by, Ann woke up and realized she wasn’t living intentionally. She wanted nothing more than for her family to be strong, aligned, and happy, but realized she wasn’t doing anything to make that happen. With no formal guide on how to get herself and her family to live intentionally, she turned to what she knew best: how to run a great business.

Ann's Journey

Through a journey of self-discovery, trial, and error, Ann developed a tactical system that changed the way her family lived daily. By applying important foundational business practices to her family structure, the Sheu family was able to align on a shared vision and values to start their journey toward intentionality as a high-powered, high-performing family unit.

Why You Should Book Ann

Relatable and Authentic

Ann's personal experience in achieving goals adds a relatable and authentic element to her talk, helping her connect with the audience and provide practical tips based on her own journey.

Relevant and Timely

Ann's message is timely and relevant for audiences seeking purpose and meaning.

Inspiring and Empowering

Ann's personal success stories and practical strategies empower and inspire audiences to take action and achieve their goals.

Engaging and Interactive

Ann captivates audiences and delivers practical advice with interactive elements.

Credibility and Trustworthiness

Ann's credibility and trustworthiness are evidenced by her achievements and recognition in her field.


Ann is a flexible speaker who can customize her presentation to meet the unique needs and interests of the audience.